Monday, October 13, 2008


I have been discussing literature with two people whom I consider very knowledgeable on the subject. My brother is currently finishing his Masters degree in English at BYU and Michelle did her undergraduate in English and is writing a novel. I on the other hand have a degree in Humanities. Which basically means that I dabbled in English among other things (mostly art) and could never really commit to one subject.
The main thread of our conversation ultimately came down to the idea that the only good literature is depressing literature. Of course it was the two English majors who felt this way. As the only sensible person in the group I argued most strongly for the happy ending. Well, this continued for several different conversations. My brother ultimately claimed that depressing literature was the only literature with depth and intellect. Michelle, of course, agreed completely with him! I finally did what I always do when I seem to be at a conversational loss, I quoted Jane Austen. I think that her philosophy of literature is one of the finest. She begins the final chapter of Mansfield Park with this delightful thought:

"Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery. I quit such odious subjects as soon as I can, impatient to restore everybody, not greatly in fault themselves, to tolerable comfort, and to have done with all the rest."

Of all of her novels, I find that Mansfield Park is one of the most moralizing. I feel it is a tale of meekness and weakness and the vast difference between the two. There is great depth in her characters and the struggles they face. Yet ultimately, there is a happy ending. As Mary Poppins says, "A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down." Hooray for the optimists in literature! Thank heavens for Jane Austen!


Heather said...

I love happy endings too! I REALLY hate movies that have horrible endings as well. Maybe I should read some of your Jane Austen! How are you doing? I'm only two doors down if you ever need anything!

Michelle D. Argyle said...

I am going to do a post on this eventually. ;)

I am split: half of me agrees with you and half of me agrees with Kelsey. Oh, I'm plagued!

Unknown said...

Jane Austen saves the day once again!!

Steve said...

In your discussion, did Michelle happen to mention to you that she and I had had a similar discussion? I have an English degree from BYU and I take your side. I absolutely cannot abide the idea that the "Faulkner school of sordid happenings in small Southern towns" is the fountainhead of all great literature. Ask Michelle about my little manifesto entitled "What is Art?".

Liana Brooks said...

You're all confused. The best literature has explosions. Preferably, frequently. Space ships aren't required, but they do add a certain something.

Speed maybe.

Honestly, if the book doesn't make me laugh at least once it isn't worth reading. There's already enough sadness, hate, and negativity in the world. What everyone really needs is a good laugh.

Cierra::The Yellow House said...

It was good seeing you and the boys! I wish we could have spent more time. Love you!

Carrie Harris said...

I completely agree! Literature doesn't have to be all doom and gloom to be good!

Although having said that, Mansfield Park isn't one of my Austen faves. For me, the middle dragged a little. But give me P&P, Emma, or S&S, and I am a happy girl.