Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ode to a nap

This is bliss. I sit in the living room in silence save for the clicking of my keyboard. Both, I repeat both of my boys are sleeping. No one is climbing on me, yanking at me, yelling at me or telling me that if they don't have crackers they will starve to death right now. I really should have taken a nap myself but I could not stop sitting here and reveling in the quiet. There are so many things I could/should do. None that I actually want to do and in a very few minutes they will wake up and the bustle will begin again. But for now I sit and think about how nice it is to sit and do nothing.


Michelle D. Argyle said...

I''m so happy that you could find a moment for yourself. Darcy's naps are wonderful, and I dread the day they stop.